How do I request additional roles to gain access to manage my users?
  • 27 May 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

How do I request additional roles to gain access to manage my users?

Article summary

This video demonstrates how to request privileged roles in order to manage other users in the NCEdCloud IAM Service.

This action is available to:

  • Staff
  • Teachers
  • LEA Administrators
  • LEA Data Auditors
  • LEA Help Desk
  • LEA Student Help Desk
  • School Help Desk
  • School Student Help Desk

Old UI > New UI Crosswalk:

Old UINew UI
  • Click on Workflow in the left menu
  • Click on the modules dropdown arrow in the top navigation bar
  • Click on Requests in the dropdown menu
  • Navigate to the Requests > My Requests tab
  • Navigate to Entitlements > Catalog
  • Check the checkbox next to the entitlement you would like to request
  • Check the checkbox next to the entitlement you would like to request
  • Click the Submit Requests button under the tabs
  • Click on the Request button at the bottom of the page
  • In the Resource Form Response, enter the code in ALL CAPS for the LEA or PSU that you are requesting the entitlement for. Click Submit Request.
  • In the Requesting Entitlement side panel, enter the code in ALL CAPS for the LEA or PSU that you are requesting the entitlement for. Click the Request button at the bottom of the side panel.
  • You will see the status for your request change from "Grant Requested" to "Grant in Progress" to "Grant Pending". Grant Pending means that your request is with a LEA Administrator for approval.
  • When the LEA Administrator approves your request, your entitlement status will change to "Granted". You will need to log out and log back in to NCEdCloud to see the changes in your account's access.
  • Navigate to Entitlements > My Entitlements
  • You will see the entitlement you requested with a status of “Your Request is Pending”. Opening the Details panel will give you additional information on the status of the request, such as “Grant in Progress”, or “Grant Pending”. Grant Pending means that your request is with a LEA Administrator for approval.
  • Once your entitlement has been granted, you will see a check mark next to the entitlement with the status “Your entitlement has been granted.” You will need to log out of NCEdCloud and log back in to see the changes in your account's access.

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