How do I change my challenge question responses?
  • 30 May 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

How do I change my challenge question responses?

Article summary

This video demonstrates how to update your own challenge question responses in the NCEdCloud IAM Service.Note that this training requires you to be logged in to NCEdCloud. 

This action is available to:

  • Students
  • Staff
  • Teachers
  • LEA Administrators
  • LEA Data Auditors
  • LEA Help Desk
  • LEA Student Help Desk
  • School Help Desk
  • School Student Help Desk

Old UI > New UI Crosswalk:

Old UINew UI
  • Click on Profiles on the left menu
  • In the My Profile tab, click the Update Challenge Responses button
  • Click on the dropdown arrow next to your name in the top navigation bar
  • Click on Update Challenge Responses in the dropdown menu
  • In the Update Challenge Responses popup,provide responses for the minimum number of challenge questions specified in the instructions. If you try to save without providing the minimum number of responses, you will receive an error message.
  • Click Save.
  • In the Setup Security Questions side panel, provide responses for the minimum number of challenge questions specified in the instructions. The Save button will be available once you provide responses for the minimum number of questions.
  • Click Save

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