How do I log in and what will I see?
  • 27 May 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

How do I log in and what will I see?

Article summary

This video demonstrates how to log in to the NCEdCloud IAM Service and gives an overview of what end users will see. Note that this training requires you to have gone through the Claim My Account process and set your password.

This video is applicable to:

  • Students
  • Staff
  • Teachers*
  • LEA Administrators*
  • LEA Data Auditors*
  • LEA Help Desk*
  • LEA Student Help Desk*
  • School Help Desk*
  • School Student Help Desk*

* This video covers a basic overview of the access given to end users. Users with privileged roles should view the training specific to their role in order to have a full overview of the access available to their role.

Old UI > New UI Crosswalk:

Old UINew UI
  • Type your username into the username text field and click Go
  • Type your username into the username text field and click Go
  • Type your password into the password text field and click Go
  • Type your password into the password text field and click Go
Available modules:
  • Applications module
Available modules:
  • Applications module
  • Workflow module
  • Requests module

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